Author Archives: Ronald Thomas

ToNoIt – New Multi-Level Business That Forecasts BitCoin Trends

Marius Landman launched a business opportunity, so that people who are interested in learning about BitCoin and other cryptocurrencies can earn extra money to invest.
It’s called ToNoIt (formerly Python Signals) from Marius Landman (ToKnowIt).

The name was recently changed from Python Signals. The original name is because Python is a popular programming language that can be used to analyze data. It also one of the favorite languages used by Machine Learning analyst.

Predicting the next price or trend in cryptos or the stock market is usually done by what is called “Technical Analysis”. Technical indicators are heuristic or pattern-based signals produced by the price, volume, and/or open interest of a security or contract used by traders who follow technical analysis. Some of the most common technical indicators are:

  1. Moving Averages
  2. MACD Strategy (Moving Average Convergence Divergence)
  3. Signal Line crossovers
  4. RSI – Relative Strength Index
  5. Bollinger Bands

But Marius doesn’t just use the most common technical indicators. He has developed his own algorithms (apparently in Python). This is based on his years of predicting near deaths, fatalaties and accidents in the Oil and Gas Industry. He hints that Apple historical data is part of his algorithm, but hasn’t revealed the secrets of how and why yet.

Each week, he does a one or two hours webinar on Zoom for members. After presenting the charts and his future trends for the most common 10 or 20 cryptos, the calls is opened up for questions, and people from around the world take advantage of this time. Marius has developed a clever system called “the 10 fingers system” or strategy of managing your portfolio, but it’s proprietary and we cannot reveal that here.

Bitcoin has had a very volatile trading history since it was first created in 2009. But it has been the number of one most profitable investment in that period of time, rising from penny’s to up to almost $20,000 at one point. The digital cryptocurrency has seen a lot of action in its fairly short life. Bitcoins initially traded for next to nothing. The first real price increase occurred in July 2010 when the valuation of a bitcoin went from around $0.0008 to $0.08 for a single coin. 2018 was mostly a bearish year, and 2019 has been somewhat unpredictable because of the quarantine.

While Bitcoin is the first blockchain-based cryptocurrency in the world, and is considered the most widespread and successful, the alt-coins often have the most profit in bullish times.

Cryptocurrencies are gaining wider acceptance, but still haven’t reached mass adoption. Many business are now starting to take Bitcoin. Investment companies have realized they need to provide a way for traditional stock investors to buy cryptos.

Zohar Yisrael of Dallas

Zohar Yisrael of Dallas is a Jewish Chavurah. According to, a chavurah is a Jewish fellowship, especially an informal one that meets regularly for discussion or prayer.

Zohar Yisrael is lead by Rabbi Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez who earned his doctorate in Jewish Studies at Spertus. He wrote his dissertation on the history of crypto-Judaism, and has gone on to publish numerous books on including ‘The Rise of the Inquisition” and the book based on his dissertation: “Secret Jews: The Complex Identity of Crypto-Jews and Crypto-Judaism“.

Zohar Yisrael typically has Saturday morning Shabbat Services at 10:30 on the first and and third of each month. Check out the website to be added to the contact list for exact times and information. Each year, Rabbi Bejarano holds Passover and high holiday services as well. The synagogue is Sephardic with Spanish-Portuguese Nusach (style of prayer), and uses the Orot Sidur.

A Guide to the Pap Smear: What It Is, How it Works, and Why Every Woman Should Have One is concerned about all types of health issues, especially preventative health. Thus, we are providing clear and concise information about this very common procedure that every woman should have performed regularly.

A Pap test or pap smear checks a woman’s cervix for cellular changes. The cervix, or lower part of the uterus, opens into the birth canal or vagina, and a Pap test can tell a doctor whether a patient has abnormal cells, cervical cancer or an infection. The test can save a patient’s life by detecting the earliest signs of cancer, and regular tests are the best preventive tool a woman has.

Does Every Woman Need a Pap Test?

It is vital for every woman to have a Pap test, as well as a pelvic exam, as part of routine care. Women need the test if they are:

  • 21 or over

  • Under 21 and sexually active for more than three years

The Pap test has no age limit. Even a woman who has entered menopause should get tested on a regular basis.

How Often Should Women Get Pap Tests?

A woman’s needs depend on her health history and age, and patients should discuss their needs with a doctor. However, there are some general recommendations.

  • Women under 30 should be tested each year.

  • Women 30 and older can be tested every two or three years if they’ve had three normal tests in consecutive years.

  • Women aged 65-70 who have had three normal tests and no abnormal results in the past decade may be able to stop having Pap tests.

Women with compromised immune systems due to chemo or HIV, as well as those whose mothers were exposed to DES (diethylstilbestrol) during pregnancy, should be tested no matter what. These conditions put a woman at a higher cervical cancer risk.

Women Who Don’t Need Regular Tests

While it’s uncommon, some women do not need regular Pap tests. A woman over age 65 who has had a few normal tests, and who has been told by her doctor that the test is unnecessary, can avoid the test. If a woman has had a hysterectomy, she has little to no risk for certain cancers. However, she should discuss her risks and testing requirements with a doctor.

Do Women With Hysterectomies Need Pap Tests?

The answer depends on the nature of the hysterectomy, as well as the patient’s health history. A woman who has had this procedure should discuss Pap testing with her doctor. In most hysterectomies, the cervix is removed along with the uterus, and a woman who has had the procedure for non-cancerous reasons may not need regular testing. However, if a woman has had her uterus (but not her cervix) removed, she may need a regular Pap test.

How Women Can Reduce Their Chances of Cervical Cancer

Aside from regular Pap testing, the most effective way to prevent cervical cancer is to avoid HPV or the human papilloma virus. HPV is a primary cause of cervical cancer, and it is also one of the most prevalent STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). A woman’s chances of cervical cancer are elevated if she:

  • Becomes sexually active before 18

  • Has numerous partners

  • Has partners who are promiscuous

  • Has or has previously had an STD

Over 40 kinds of HPV are sexually transmitted, and many can cause cancer if they are not treated. Almost 75% of sexually active people will contract HPV, and many women do not get cancer. HPV rarely causes symptoms, which means that most women are unaware that they’re infected.

How the Test is Done

A doctor can perform a Pap test as part of a normal women’s health exam. The physician uses a speculum to open the vagina and view the cervix. From there, the doctor uses a special swab to take a few cells from the area. Those cells are applied to a slide and sent in for evaluation. While the test is usually painless, it may cause minor discomfort in some patients.

When the Results Will Come In

Typically, it takes several weeks to get the results of a Pap test, and in most cases, they’re normal. If they’re not normal, the doctor will contact the patient to schedule follow-up testing. There are numerous reasons for an abnormal test result, and most do not mean a patient has cancer.

While Pap tests are a useful tool, they are not always correct, and false positives and negatives can occur. This can be confusing and upsetting for many patients, but a doctor can provide reassurance in these cases.

If you are the DFW mid-cities area, such as Bedford, Arlington, Keller, or Grapefine, you can find a great lady’s clinic at

Homeschooling Tips For Work-At-Home Parents

parents_couple_with_boy_kid_webYou want to start homeschooling your children, but you’re not sure where to begin. While it’s a big step, it can be done. While you might feel overwhelmed, remember that no one cares more about your children than you do. Therefore, it’s time you believe in yourself that you can provide them with a proper education. But what if you work at home? Can you manage your business with kids in the house?

What laws are in place in your state regarding homeschooling? Different states have different regulations and rules governing the amount of time you need to dedicate to homeschooling your child. There are states that mandate that you teach your child specific things, but in other states, homeschooling is largely unregulated. Matching your school days with those of the local schools is usually the best bet.

Whether you have already begun homeschooling your children or you are just considering it, you may benefit from attending a homeschooling conference. At these conferences, you will be given tips on how to properly teach your children. You will also be able to speak with other parents who home school their children and get advice from them.

While most states require that homeschooling programs teach a standardized core curriculum, the fact that you are working one-on-one with your student also usually translates to significantly more free time. Consider allowing your child to choose which elective courses they want to take to fill this time, or hire a tutor to supplement comprehension in the tougher subjects.

You don’t have to homeschool for your child’s entire education. You can do it for one year to correct shortcomings and behavioral issues. You could do it until middle school or high school. If you wish, they can be homeschooled right until college. The best part is that it’s totally up to you!

Find a support group of other homeschool parents. When you teach your child at home, sometimes you may feel isolated. The support group can help you deal with problems and issues that are complex. You can benefit from the sharing of different perspectives and approaches, and you can apply these to your own curriculum.

Look into different events in your area. Oftentimes, you will find that you can go to places like Science Centers, museums and even musicals or ballets at a discounted rate. If you are unsure about how to find out about discounts, look for your local homeschooling network website. You should be able to find all the information you need for discounted family educational outings right there on the site.

Be flexible with your curriculum. There are new ideas coming out all the time, and you will change as you learn about different techniques. Be ready to go with whatever comes your way. You will slowly but surely discover what is right for you and your children, and everyone will benefit as a result.

Keep your schedule flexible. There is no need to complete one thing in a set amount of time. If you find that your children are enjoying a particular subject, stick with it. There is plenty of time to teach them what they need to learn. Staying flexible will reduce the levels of stress that can be incorporated with homeschooling.

Homeschooling can be a lot of fun. Just as children in traditional schools go on field trips, you can also take your child on field trips. This is a great time to connect with your child while teaching them things they would not necessarily learn with a large group. It gives the learning environment a more personal experience.

You must remain focused, and you must keep up with the current trends. Caring is half the battle, but knowing what to do and where to get your materials is a major thing as well. Therefore, remember what you’ve read here as you go about continuing to learn how to provide your children with the proper homeschooling environment.

Many work-at-home parents do well at balancing the juggle of business and home-schooling. Some parents run network marketing businesses by building a downline of cold market leads. Check out this source for best online network marketing leads.

Learn WordPress to Blog Your College Experiences

Do you want to be a blogger? Does the thought of starting your own blog sound like a lot of fun? Or perhaps you already have a blog, but you are not happy with the software you are using. If this is the case, you need to learn more about WordPress.

Try to use a landing page when you are using wordpress on your site. This is a great alternative to displaying your current posts as it gives your site flavor and pizzazz. You can even use Premise for WordPress, which is a premium solution that can get you started with the process.

Check out add-ons to find simple tools which will make your site or blog better. For example, you could add a calendar to your side menu bar in order to share events which would be interesting to your readers. You can also find many great add-ons which provide control for advertising, turning your site into a revenue maker.

Do not forget about Facebook. Visitors to your site should be able to leave comments or register with your site through their Facebook account. There are plugins that will help you getting things rolling on your page, and they are easy to download and use. Since so many people are on Facebook, it is important to ensure that your page incorporates the social media site in some way.

Security is key to a WordPress site, so be sure to keep passwords to yourself. Your plugin choices should be from reputable sites. If your site is hit with malware or by hackers, you can lose everything you worked on.

Incorporate a social sharing plugin for your WordPress blog. Integrating social media with your blog will be a great boon to your traffic. Your users can instantly share your article through Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites. Look for a plugin that will allow liking and sharing, since both will be beneficial.

Connect your posts by utilizing internal linking plugins. This provides your readers with additional content to peruse while visiting your site. This will attach links to the bottom of your posts based on tags that will show users other blog posts you’ve written that may interest them.

Be sure to use a robust spam plug-in to filter out spam and bad content. People with ill-intentions are always looking for ways to spam a blog for link building purposes. This kind of spam will create a bad impression on your blog because your legitimate readers will think that your blog has security issues.

To keep tabs on comments, you don’t need to visit each post separately. Instead, use your dashboard’s comments section to see what has been posted recently. You should check this page daily so that you know what people are saying and can reply if anyone requests more information or asks a question.

Want to create a new link in your post? There is no need to click the link icon any longer. Use ctrl-shift-A instead to start the link creation process using the keyboard and not the mouse. When you create many links within your content, this can shave time off the creation process.

Use the Evergreen Post Tweeter plugin to promote your posts automatically. It can be a chore to choose which posts to retweet daily, so let the software do it for you instead. Once you have it in place, you can literally set it and forget it and then enjoy the visitors it brings in.

Make sure your WordPress site has a great theme. A theme can actually make or break or your site when it comes to attracting or repelling visitors. There are many great free themes out there. You can also find affordable premium themes. Just make sure your themes don’t have a ton of messy code that makes loading too slow or that isn’t compatible with WordPress’s current versions.

The only way to learn WordPress is by practicing it. You can sign up for a free account in and start experimenting with its multitude of features. Change images, background color, font sizes, etc. The more you get your hands on it, the more comfortable you will feel about using it.

Looking for a way to increase your page views? Pick up a plugin in or widget that shows related posts. When your visitors are reading your current post, they’ll be treated in the sidebar (or the end of the post) with a few related articles that they may love as well. This definitely increases your readership.

WordPress is one of the best blogging platforms out there. It combines ease of use with flexibility and power. Whether you are a novice blogger who is just starting out, or you have been blogging for many years, you can benefit from learning more about the powerful features of WordPress.

I wish I would have blogged when I was doing my recent Masters Degree, which I finished in 2013. However, I do blog about technical stuff that I do it work. You can read that blog here: MyLifeIsMyMessage.Net.

Making It Through The College Years: Here’s The Help You Need

Standford_University_CampusWhen it comes to college, you must face all kinds of different decisions. Your college decisions can often affect the course of your life. Use this advice to help you get through it.

One tip that can help you study in college is to make yourself flash cards when you have an exam coming up. Flash cards are easy to make. Your can buy inexpensive index cards and write questions on one side and answers on the other. You and a classmate can then use them to study together.

You don’t want to find yourself applying for grants and scholarships too late in the game. The more time you devote to securing funding for college, the less money you will need to borrow. Be sure to keep track of deadlines and submit applications on time.

When you are choosing a major, do not simply think about money. You do not want a career in something that you find boring or uninteresting. A good choice is a major that will keep you interested fifty or more hours a week for the rest of your life. Explore your interests.

Buy your school books a couple weeks before the term begins. Spend an hour familiarizing yourself with each of your books. If you have access to your course syllabus, check it out and see where in the book your class will be starting. This way you can get a bit of a head start.

Buy your textbooks second-hand. It can be very costly to buy the books you need for school. If you already have to pay quite a bit for your education, you’re probably wishing to save a few dollars. Look for online retailers and bookstores for used textbooks. Used books are an idea for anyone looking to save a lot of cash.

Don’t focus on your friends back home or a boyfriend or girlfriend in your home town. Chances are you will not stay together through four years of college and you will grow apart. Just enjoy college, meet new people, and feel lucky that you have the opportunity to get away from home to better yourself and branch out.

Student organizations and associations aren’t just about looking good to a prospective employer. Participation can benefit students as well, both emotionally and socially. You’ll find others who share your interests and can explore more of your options on the campus. You might also gain insight into whether or not your chosen major is the best decision.

If you are a woman, consider a STEM major. STEM majors are those that are focused on science, technology, engineering, and math. Since women are less likely than men to choose these fields of study, there are many scholarships and grants available for women. These fields also usually end up being more financially beneficial after graduation.

If you are unsure what you want to major in, concentrate on your general core classes. You will get a feel for each major and be better able to determine which is right for you. If you do not choose early you might have to take more classes than you first expected.

When you first get to college, get a map. You will feel a little silly using the map, but you do need to know where to go, after all. Map out your classes and the cafeteria so that you can easily get around when you first begin. That can make your first days less hectic.

On the first couple of days of class, make sure that you personally introduce yourself to the professor during their office hours. This can go a long way in showing the professor that you are interested in the class, and will also help them to put a face to a name quicker.

Take a break every now and then. If you’re studying 24/7, you’ll inevitably get burnt out. While your folks may not be so quick to agree, it really is necessary to get a break now and then. To remain on top of your game, take it easy.

Practice remembering important details. The most effective way to remember is to first choose to remember, then create a picture in your mind of what you need to remember. Form an association in your mind between things you already know and the new information you need to remember. Repeat the process to make the memory permanent.

Join study groups. Even if you are not having trouble with a class, a study group can help ensure you stay on task and don’t fall behind. It can be easy to fall into the trap of procrastination, and a study group can help provide accountability. In addition, helping others understand the coursework can help it stay fresh in your mind.

If you are continuing your education and have a child, you think living on campus is simply a dream and can’t be done. This isn’t true! Many college campuses have family housing. There are a lot of universities that know that people have children and still need educations. If you need family housing, you must inquire early to be sure of getting a placement.

Understand that when you enter college, you do not have to choose a major immediately. Take a few classes to truly understand what you want to do with the rest of your life before you make this decision. Furthermore, remember that you can always change your major after you select one.

If you are having trouble in a class, don’t procrastinate about asking for help. Most professors have office hours; drop by during this time and tell the professor you need extra help. If your professor has TA’s, you can also ask them for help. Finally, you can hire a tutor through your school’s academic help center.

Everything you’ve just learned should have you feeling confident and comfortable with the upcoming decisions you’ll make. You are constantly faced with important decisions throughout your life, but the ones you face in college have some of the best rewards or worst consequences. Use the knowledge you’ve learned from this article and get the most out of your college experience.

The Best College Advice That Has Ever Been Written

Harvard_UniversityThere are a lot of things you can do to prepare for college, but it will still hold many surprises for you! This article will offer you some sound advice on how to get through classes, campus life and all the other obstacles that you will encounter in your efforts to reach graduation.

Bring a bottle of water to school with you. You need to be hydrated all day. This is particularly important if you’ve got numerous classes back to back. Being hydrated helps you to think clearly and learn more efficiently. You can get more water from water fountains when necessary.

If you want to get an education on a limited budget, consider going to a community college for two years before transferring to a different universities. You will find that community colleges are cheaper than other schools and your credits will transfer as long as you complete your general education before transferring.

It is important to choose your classes wisely. Try to avoid taking a lot of classes that you are going to have to devote a lot of time and attention to all at once. Instead, alternate these harder courses with easier ones to make your semester and college experience a much easier one.

If you are an adult going back to college, try signing up for night classes. The classes during the day time are full of young adults right out of high school. The night classes are usually filled with adults and students who are serious about their education. It will result in a much better college experience.

Do not crack under the stress of selecting or declaring a major right away. Some professors might try and draw you into their department early on, as the more students they have the more job security they have. Never rush major decisions, and do what is right for you, not anyone else.

Take extra writing utensils with you to your tests. There is always a strong possibility that your pencil could break or that your pen could run out of ink while you’re doing your test. Having a backup writing utensil can help you continue your test without being distracted by having to sharpen a pencil or refill a pen.

Make sure you allow yourself breaks when studying. Breaks are important during study sessions. A good rule of thumb for breaks is 10 minutes per each study hour. Develop a schedule and work on adhering to it.

Flash cards are not just a helpful tool for younger children; they can really help you with your college classes as well. In addition to them being a great visual tool for helping you to remember important information, they are also easy for you to carry around wherever you go.

If you need to save money on food, turn your eye to breakfast. There are plenty of options that you can make that are quick, will fill you up and that don”t cost a lot. For example, oatmeal is a great choice. If you are able to save on breakfast and lunch, you may be able to treat yourself to a meal out with friends every now and then.

Use statistics to narrow down your college choices, but not to make the final decision. The right college for you is a good match to you personally, not a prize that you win. Never select a school because a lot of your friends are going there, nor because it holds a number-one position on some published list. Only a visit to the campus can really tell you if it is right.

Get to know the people in the financial aid office. If you make friends with them, they will appear more friendly to you. Then, when you have questions, they can assist you more easily. While they are all professionals, it never hurts to grease the social wheels when it comes to your financial needs.

If you are having trouble making friends on campus, get involved in a club or two. Find any organized activity that you are interested in, and you will automatically be spending time with other students who share at least one of your passions. It can be helpful to have friends who are fellow students but not your immediate classmates.

It might seem impossible for someone with children to live on campus. This is not always true. There are a lot of college campuses that provide family housing. More and more people are choosing to further their education while raising families, and colleges are paying attention. Family housing may be available but it often books up quickly.

Pick up a pair of ear plugs. College campuses and dorm rooms are not always ideal study environments, but you may not have a choice. Ear plugs can help you focus on your studies, even if there is a loud party next door or a pep rally down the street.

When researching the price of a college education, understand that the “sticker price”, or the price the college or university lists is often not what you will pay. You may end up qualifying for school or state financial aid. You also may end up paying extra fees and costs for textbooks and other materials.

Check your book list for each class to see if the texts are mandatory or not. Some professors include a reading list that is optional, and by choosing not to buy the texts you can save money. Often times these books can be borrowed, read online, or simply disregarded because the professor decides not to cover the optional material.

Do your research into different colleges before deciding on one. Make sure that they not only offer the classes you need, but also other areas of interest such as sports, music and activities on campus. Ensuring that the campus you choose is the right fit can make all of the difference in the world.

Preparing for college is so much different than actually going through it; hopefully this article has provided you with plenty of useful advice to help you through it. Stay focused and determined, no matter what comes your way in college and in the end the effort will be well worth it!

Check out the schools with the largest endowments: Harvard, Yale, Standford.